More Shopping – Silk & Pink Wear!!!!

Are there enough ruffles?
I think this little number might have been worn by one of the mothers of a prom queen…I thought it was beautiful! Wish I could have seen it on a mannequin.
Deep in one of the rooms we came across some bolts of silk, now, my husband, who is a great shopper glommed onto this one and I’m still not sure why, but he’s really good with colour and just held it out in front of me. I said I’d recover the cushions in our living room as we have a beige sofa and chairs. The tag on it said $20 which isn’t bad for silk as I’ve made dresses from silk I got from Designer Fabric Outlet in Toronto and paid $18 a yard back in the ’90’s. When I asked if I could get a couple of yards we were told $20 was for the bolt!
When I got home and measured it there are 3.5m of silk….a bargain! Cushions covered….and maybe a little something for me!
One of the things I love to do when down in the Outer Banks (NC) is go bead shopping. I have no time at home and they have lots of bead shops where vacationers can go in and make items on a rainy afternoon, on a ‘girl’s’ weekend away or when the guys are out windsurfing on the sound. (I used to windsurf but now I wait for the wind to die down so I can go out on a SUP … stand up paddleboard). So I grabbed these as inspiration in the way colours are put together…I’ll work some ideas into felted jackets. The little black and white shells have holes in them…I’m sure I’ll use them somewhere.
Now I’m back home and need to find space somewhere to stash my new purchases until I can use them…leaving them out to look at just clutters up an already packed studio!!!!