Recently I was asked to join a very interesting group…
Kingston Fibre Artists. This is a small group of women who gather to work on and promote their wonderful work with textiles, fibre, dyes, needles, beads….etc. I have always attended their group shows (about two per year) and been asked if I am a member….now I can say yes.

I was driven to a secret location and inducted….no not really but I was picked up and driven to the country home of one of Frankie
LeMonde-Munier for a yummy lunch. It was also the birthday of
Sylvia Naylor a longtime friend, so we got to eat our cake too!
This means I will be putting a piece of my work in the Mississipi Valley Textile Museum show Timeless Textiles. Now that’s exciting as it’s one of my favourite places and I love to visit Almonte ON.
A new thing I tried was to use the inspiration I got from one of my sister’s photographs. She is now Judi Goldie Photography and I found this one photo that sent me to the dye pot and digging through my dyed silk.
Photo by Judi Goldie Photography |
It was fun and a challenge trying to get the colour….I used three or four in my pot. But I think my translation was pretty good….I plan to do more in conjunction with JGP.