As a wearable art textile artist I rarely exhibit in ‘art’ shows that feature wall art (paintings, hangings etc) but I made an exception with this show….I took in my ‘Village in Spring’ felted jacket to be hung on the wall in the Summer Exhibition at the
Window Art Gallery here in Kingston.

The Window Art Gallery is attached to the Kingston School of art and is a bright space which has hosted a myriad of wonderful art exhibits. This one will be fun because the call out was to all artists in Kingston or owners of art, not necessarily the artist.
I took in my jacket after putting the buttons on it. I usually wait to fit the purchaser before I put them on but I wanted it to be complete….I love this jacket….maybe because it looks so good on me?!
Now I need to check my stock for my
Polymer Clay Workshop
here at my studio tomorrow
July 17th 10 – 4.
I still have room for one or two more…..
613-545-5986 or
So do pop down to the gallery for a peruse of fine local art.
July 16th – August 28th
647 Princess Street at Victoria, Kingston ON.
Call for hours but usually Wed – Sun 12 – 4pm
that jacket is a stunning piece Carolyn. absolutely beautiful.