Yard Sale(s)


I had to give up going to Cleveland for Inspiration ’08, the machine knitting seminar there as I’m off to England with my parents in five days! Though I really missed the weekend with my friends, getting together with other machine knitters and getting inspired and learning new things from people like Iris Bishop I got to be home for the 2nd annual Portsmouth Village Yard Sale.

We dearly hoped that the rain that was forecast would hold off…. well, it didn’t happen and though it was overcast it was a lovely mild day. We were unaware that Linda up the road had costumy things but as you can see here, Jim from across from Linda made this stunning investment. Well, I hope he got a deal as there seems to me no head! Now Jim can say he left his wallet in his ‘udder’ suit!

This appears to be Jim and a like minded friend…….

We all had a great day and afterwards went around the corner to the Portsmouth Tavern or The Ports as it is commonly known by most neighbours and Queen’s undergrads, for lunch. They had 10% off as a Yard Sale Special!

…..meanwhile some people (Ricardo) didn’t get too involved and thought they would find a convenient laptop case and sleep this one out…too many dogs!!

Well, I do love yard sales and hanging out in the driveway chatting with all sorts of people but as it didn’t make us independently wealthy….. back to the knitting machine!

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