Oh Brother! Hidden Stitches.
Well, I just got back from a weekend hanging with the ladies in the Fingerlakes. I learned a long time ago that in the US machine knitters tend to used Brother knitting machines. As a long-time Singer knitter, I finally got a Brother 940 and also have two Garter Carriages to use on it. I have had so much fun on that machine…so long as I remember the biggest difference between Brother and Singer machines…close the gate of the yarn feeder to prevent the yarn coming out and leaving my work on the floor!
One of the things we talked about with the Brother was the Hidden Stitches. A long time ago someone posted them on Facebook and I have experimented with them. For non Brother users let me explain. In the electronic machines with stitch patterns already in the machine and in the book Stitch World they go from #1 up to the 500’s.

If you want to add more patterns as you would on a mylar sheet on a Singer electronic or by making a new punch card, you input it to the pattern library of the knitting machine…starting at stitch number 900. I have put in a couple of patterns and also corrected one that the previous owner had input…with an error.
First…I tried one afternoon with my knitting buddy and we just couldn’t get it done reading the manual…so, of course, we turned to YouTube where we found a great video by Rose Kelly, here’s the link.
Along with this we talked about and I shared the link to the Brother hidden stitch patterns which reside in the 600’s, some in the 700’s and a few in the 800’s in the pattern library in the electronic Brother knitting machines!!!! Yay! What fun! There are letters, numbers and also a machine bed wide Brother logo.
I’m putting in the whole link I found online, it’s a PDF so print it out and explore. I might just punch up other numbers than those on this list and see what comes up! Here’s a preview…