Now that my shows are all done for the year and I’m taking some time for myself I find I’m trying to straighten out my studio or mopping my kitchen floor. I’ve done these tasks and more and the results are not really long-lasting…I have to do it all over again…so I decided it was time to stretch and experience something new – painting.

Open Studios here in Kingston has a great room where artists and artisans can conduct workshops and an email said there would be a watercolour class for a couple of hours on a Saturday afternoon. The painting illustrating it was appealing to me, as something I might like to paint onto one of my silk scarves, so I signed up.
The workshop was given by Lindsay Lawson who showed us some of her other work and we were envious of her talent but so happy she shared with us…a small group.

There were two classes, the first one, given first, to paint poppies, the second one, that I took, to paint tulips. I wondered about taking both but thought I’d be overloading myself for one Saturday afternoon…I wish I had taken both as I had such a great time for two hours…I’ll know for next time.

This is actually the first one I painted…then later, with some prompting, outlined with ink. I love it and will frame it!
I hope I can do the same sort of thing on my silk scarves with dye.