Armed But Not Dangerous
In nearly four decades I’ve used a few different mannequins to display my work and to use to photograph my jackets. For the past years, I’ve had nice rounded ones (for a long time I had some great wooden ones that looked like giant paper dolls) which had no arms.

Finally, last week I Googled ‘arms’ and found these which you attach to your form. They come giant screws at the top and I screwed them into one and was able to bend her arms slightly…they wouldn’t stay very bent but for now, I’m finding them very interesting.
I proceeded to photograph a couple of pieces on my mannequin to see how it would look…nicer than having the sleeves just flap about in the breeze (I photograph out of doors.

The arms give more dimension to the garment being displayed so I’m pleased with that and it’s rather fun. This is one of my Kantha Quilt Jackets and I put one hand into the pocket to add a dash of panache!
It’s a bit tricky getting a pullover over top and getting the arms into the sleeves but I managed it.
The only thing now to deal with is how do I pack away my armed manneqin…she has become armed and slightly dangerous in that I don’t know if I can safely pack her into her Ikea blue bag and squeeze her into the car when I do shows without loosening her ‘shoulders’! So she is living in my powder room and I’ve taken to greeting her now and again!!!!