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Fashion Show at Passionate Artisans

Ooh, Spring Fun!  Passionate Artisans, where I have my work in Kingston, is having an artisan fashion show on Sunday April 26th at 1pm. 28 Bath Road, Kingston. http://www.ckwstv.com/2015/04/22/passionate-artisans/ Here is Lynda talking to Bill Hall of ‘WS Daily’ yesterday Here’s Bill talking to a couple of the artisans….(yes…one’s me). I’m desperately trying to get…

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Vintage Knitting Inspiration

While surfing the net looking for inspiration I found this blog…. http://www.aboutknittingmachines.com/KnittingMachineMagazines.html  I started to download the magazines and one by one and found so much of use and interest…even among the oversize, drop shouldered ’80’s fashions I downloaded them all. I found a few things I want to make for myself, some neat instruction…

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Cochenille Design Studio Update.

It’s that time of year…to review your life, what you are doing and how you are doing it. I’ve been updating some web sites that I’ve built (check out the list at my other business http://twohatssimplesites.com/clients.html site) and some still need a lot of updating….including mine! Anyway – Wow! I got an email this morning…

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Show Time! A New Year.

Well, it’s that time of year for artists, artisans and craftspeople…time to send out those applications, forms and cheques to sign up for this year’s shows. I wrote a post last year on my return to the Beach neighbourhood in Toronto, my old stomping grounds, to celebrate their 20th anniversary.   http://theartofwool.blogspot.ca/2014/05/may-flowers-art-tours.html.  Thinking about the upcoming…

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Two Hats Simple Sites….New Business!

Two hats…what’s she talking about? Well, I started building my own web site many years ago as I always wanted to keep it up to date…..then got onto building for others. I found working with technical stuff challenging and fascinating and fell in love! My husband even updated my laptop for me this year as…