It’s Happened Again!
OK, so I take lots of orders at shows…it’s my living and it’s work. Also, I find it hard to say no to customers new and old. They are especially clients who return, we know each other better, I know what their style is, they know how I work and it’s fun designing, even if it’s only changing the colours on a particular style.
I find it easier to do all (or most) of the orders of one style at once because I get on a roll, gather momentum and make fewer mistakes…which take time to reverse. I do the ones first that have a deadline, which are needed for an event or trip, then I plod through then rest of the orders…. yarn arrival permitting. Well, I have a couple of items which I did a while ago and contacting the client for the balance payment has not resulted in a reply (email or phone), I find they are away on business or vacation. Then I get a phone call for an item which I’m just about to get to in the next couple of weeks ….. and it’s needed ‘yesterday’!!! Too bad when I’ve rushed to get something done and it sits in my studio for weeks awaiting a response from my client.
I guess this will always happen now and again, however I have been knitting some things in cotton using a looser stitch size and less machine tool manipulating shaping, I’m doing the shaping afterwards in some other way (cord, sewing tucks etc)……so….
….my wrists feels much better! Hooray!