Well, apparently I’ve been trafficking in Muffatees!!! OK, to put it the knitter’s way, I’ve been selling my knitted fingerless mittens.
I can’t remember how this came about…maybe on Pinterest or Ravelry but I came across the word yesterday and started to Google…what fun. There are some great sites and blogs with patterns. Mine have little thumbs but apparently real ones don’t and I call them wristlets.
I worked these years ago from a great pattern in Machine Knitting Monthly January ’05 Issue 84 (if you can find one. The pattern is by Liz Kilsby in the UK. I use them for hanging out the wash on cold days but this year, when my studio didn’t warm up enough over the last few weeks I put them on to knit on the machine….Great! I used sock yarn.
Sometimes our coat sleeves are just that bit short or there’s a gap between our gloves and coat cuffs…these mitts, in whatever form, are great.
Cathy Briscoe on Ravelry has some history along with her patterns, I found this via Google….so check it out if you are a member….or become a member.
BTW, I’m CottonCarrie on Ravelry.