Fanfayr 08

Another Summer show over, barreling towards the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition in Toronto in a week… I’m in Booth 539 Turquoise Doing a show on home turf is nice, sleeping in your own bed, having friends to stay and staying up late talking of all sorts of things that you never get a chance to…


So Much to Do…

Overlooking Confederation Park, Kingston It’s Summer, how do I know? I haven’t the time to plant any more flowers because I must get ready for my two Summer shows. First coming up this weekend is Fanfayr here in Kingston. I have done this one for years…since the last time I had short hair (early ’80’s),…

Caring Clients

Just a quick note as we head into the week where the One of a Kind Chicago starts, I’ve started to get emails from my lovely US ladies to find out why I won’t be there this year and it’s wonderful to know I’m cared about so much. I adorer all my clients and so…