For you machine knitters doesn’t this look like a fun machine….I haven’t investigated but it looks like you set it up and let ‘er rip! That’s what the uninitiated have been saying I do for years….we know it’s not so by any stretch of the imagination.
Anyway, I don’t have a whiz bang machine..except for my Garter Carriage…and even then I seem to be doing short rows and shaping which means I have to sit in front of it while it knits a few stitches…..I have a STUDENT!
Years ago I had a young women from high school who used to come for about three hours a week and knit sleeves for me. This Summer I have Ella, a high school student doing a placement who requested me. My studio didn’t scare her off as she had already visited a couple of years ago on a studio tour.
At 17 she is an accomplished hand knitter and I will make a machine knitter of her before too long.
Her teacher says she is to do anything that is involved in running this business: inputting receipts for bookkeeping, setting up for a show (I have the Sheepdog Trials coming up), knitting, felting, photographing work, learning to make and design buttons, helping at workshops….the list is endless.
(Of course this means I’ll have to tape General Hospital and watch it at night instead of as I knit!)
…..I’m so excited.