Garden Bench

It Takes a Village

This phrase has taken on so much more meaning in the past 16 months. At first we all thought we’d be locked down for a few weeks then things would get back to normal or would die back…but no and working from home, ordering groceries in or venturing out early in the morning to shop…

Love and Hate with Nature

Love and Hate with Nature

I decided this spring that I have a love/hate relationship with nature. What brought this to a head: Live plants…dead birds. We usually have a nest somewhere around our house each Spring, used to be on a folded back screen on an upstairs balcony door…we took off to North Carolina, something we’d been doing since…

My Fall Garden

My Fall Garden

A couple of days ago, though it was windy the sun was out so I thought it would be a good day to empty some of the pots I plant up to decorate my deck and porch. I will have months with pretty much only my studio to hang out in so I was taking…

English Country Lane


“Oh, to be in EnglandNow that April’s there,” Robert Browning wrote in his poem ‘Home Thoughts from Abroad’. We took this in school when I was a girl in England and I remember how delightful it was when our English teacher talked to us about it and told us about folk in the 1800’s travelling…