Weekend Machine Knitting Workshop

OK, too long since I posted, not that I haven’t had anything happen, just, perhaps, too much happening that kept me away from this segment of cyber space!

I had a weekend workshop in my studio and though I only had two who could make it on that particular weekend, and I like to have three or four, I went ahead with it anyway. The two who graced my studio with their presence are good friends and just went to the last Erie BonnOK, too long since I posted, not that I haven’t had anything happen, just, perhaps, too much happening that kept me away from this segment of cyber space!

I had a weekend workshop in my studio and though I only had two who could make it on that particular weekend, and I like to have three or four, I went ahead with it anyway. The two who graced my studio with their presence are good friends and just went to the last Erie Bonnie Triola seminar so I though they should steep themselves in machine knitting while stuff was stiff active in their thoughts.

We had a great time but I brooked no argument. Rose was told to bring her own machine though I have the exact same on in my studio…. hers needed a workout and she needed to get to know her machine…not mine! She thanked me and I felt better about making her pack it up and lug it across town.

Sonja brought just about everything she could think of from home in Toronto (including several books, two machines and various parts, umpteen cones of yarn and a bottle of excellent home made sherry!!!)

Rose made a sweater (or most of it) that we had chosen from a past Machine Knitting News and Sonja made one we designed in Garment Designer. This invoved swatch making and measuring, experimenting with different tensions with their chosen yarn, then getting rolling and ploughing on. As they are relatively newbies I was happy to be able to give them as much attention as possible. I want more machine knitters on this planet!!

In the photos you can see the effort (Rose) and fun (Sonja) that was had!!! I’m planning another in the Winter but I think it’s filled!!! More MKers!!!!! Yeah!

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