Beach Studio Tour Display

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I just thought I had better put this little bit of business online, that the Beach Studio Tour that I founded back in 1994 has invited some of the original artists to have some of their current work displayed in the Beach prior to this Fall’s tour. DeClute real estate offices 2241 Queen St E – just West of Hammersmith and E of Wineva, south side of Queen Street is the location for those interested.

I’m displaying ‘Chatelaine’ from the gallery show ‘Women’s Work’ that took place this past Summer.


Also, upcoming, is the Kingston studio tour called the Town & Country Studio Tour, October 18th & 19th. I won’t be having my Friday soiree this year as I’ve been very busy trying to wade through my orders of which I still have many to complete. I”m not complaining but I have Fall shows to prepare for!

Something that is making work easier to get through is the good news that my recent mammogram, my first in over two years due to my diagnosis and treatment, showed clear results!!!!! Yeah! I’m so relieved though never 100% sure. I guess only time will tell that. I have an MRI scheduled for November and after discussions with the docs perhaps I can put of that double mastectomy… at least so I can catch up financially to take the time off.

Another great surprise is that I was called about teaching a course at Haliburton next Summer, yes, machine knitting for a week, it will be July 27th to 31st so anyone interested do look out for the catalogue which usually comes out late in the year or early in the new year and come spend a week getting steeped in machine knitting in a beautiful part of Ontario!

….sooooo, back to work!

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